Snuggy Fights Lung Cancer

And so the battle begins....
It's January 30, 2008 and what should have been a routine visit to the vet last week for a tooth extraction has resulted in unexpected and devastating news. Snuggy has been diagnosed with lung cancer. As we embark upon this journey to fight this awful disease, I will chronicle our days in hope that we can help others as they wage the war against cancer to save their dogs lives.

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 11, 2008 - A visit to Angell Memorial Hospital

We had an appointment for Snuggy with a veterinary oncologist at Angell Memorial Hospital in Boston. The doctor reviewed the x-rays with us again in great depth and reiterate that it appeared that the primary tumor appears to be the large one in the upper lung, and that it has metastasized and formed to smaller tumors on the other side of the lung. Surgery is not an option as the primary tumor is too large and because the cancer has already spread. To remove all the tumors would be major surgery and would leave him with too little lung capacity. The only option she could offer was chemotherapy. For this specific form of cancer they use a drug called vinorelbine. She stated that only 17% of dogs receive any benefit from this chemotherapy regimen. Without any intervention, he probably has 6-12 months to live.

So, the news is not good. We asked the vet about clinical trials and they don't have any to offer. We told her that we were going out for a second option to Tufts University Veterinary Hospital in two days. She thought that if anyone had clinical trial options, it would be them. So off we go to Tufts.

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