Snuggy Fights Lung Cancer

And so the battle begins....
It's January 30, 2008 and what should have been a routine visit to the vet last week for a tooth extraction has resulted in unexpected and devastating news. Snuggy has been diagnosed with lung cancer. As we embark upon this journey to fight this awful disease, I will chronicle our days in hope that we can help others as they wage the war against cancer to save their dogs lives.

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Beginning

Last week we brought Snuggy in to our local vet for a routine anesthesia consult before a tooth extraction. The vet called the next day to tell us that because his albumin level was so low (1.4) that he needed more follow-up before he could have the procedure. They re-ran the test and got the same low test result. In addition, they also ran liver and kidney tests which turned out normal(low albumnin sometime indicates kidney or liver dysfunction).

The local vet referred us to Angell Memorial Hospital in Boston, a large animal medical center with specialists and high tech equipment of every kind. We are all too familiar with Angell as they have cared for many of our animals with serious illnesses. An ultrasound and chest-xray revealed a large solid mass in his upper chest and two smaller opaque tumors in his lower chest. Pathology results the next day confirmed it was carcinoma, with the primary site believed to be the lung. What a shock - he had no obvious symptoms! However in retrospect he had coughed a few times over the last several weeks, but it was so infrequent that it wasn't concerning.

We have an appointment with a veterinary oncologist on February 11th and with a holistic vet tomorrow. In the mean time we have started him on Essiac tea, IP-6, switched him to Beanny's anti-cancer diet (high protein, low carb), and have ordered a variety of other immune boosting and anti-cancer supplements. I am trying to read everything I can find on lung cancer in dogs. In the mean time, he has no idea he is sick. He is eating well and running around with the other dogs. Ignorance is bliss!